can I get a degree at psychedelic u?

THIS IS NOT A “REAL” AR­TICLE and I am not of­fering ad­vice from my decades of ex­pe­ri­ence with psy­che­delics. This ar­ticle is about Psy­che­delic U, which pur­ports to offer “a starting point for those new to psy­che­delics and for ex­pe­ri­enced psy­cho­nauts alike.” Psy­che­delic U is a project of the Lucid News website.  [Read more] “can I get a degree at psychedelic u?”

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if you’re not a psychonaut, then what are you?

THIS AR­TICLE STARTED AS A JOKE but will serve as an in­tro­duc­tion to psy­cho­nau­tics for the non-experienced. I use the word “ex­pe­ri­enced” here in its Hen­drixian meaning, re­fer­ring to the Jimi Hen­drix Ex­pe­ri­ence’s “Are You Ex­pe­ri­enced?” from their 1967 album of the same title: “Are you ex­pe­ri­enced? [Read more] “if you’re not a psychonaut, then what are you?”

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the true story of how austin became the liberal hotspot of texas *

AUSTIN IS NO­TO­RIOUS among Texas cities for being so damn lib­eral. This state of af­fairs has baf­fled many people over the years and one of them asked this ques­tion on Quora: What caused Austin, TX to be more lib­eral than the rest of Texas?” The common-sense an­swer is the in­flux of ed­u­cated stu­dents at the Uni­ver­sity of Texas in Austin. [Read more] “the true story of how austin became the liberal hotspot of texas *”